Ramblings from a rambler.

Trying to Feed a Pebble to the Bighorn Sheep

My mom and I biked up Waterton Canyon around this same time last year. It was such an easy bike ride with Grey in his Chariot that I vowed I would go again all summer long. To make it even better, the couple times I did go, I always saw the herd of Bighorn Sheep that call the Canyon home. But for some reason, I sort of forgot about it as the months rolled on. So here I was almost exactly a year later finally going again. Instead of pulling the Thule Chariot behind me, Grey was riding Shotgun on his upfront bike attachment. 

We sure enough did find the bighorns pretty early on. But mom pointed out they were next to those ugly power lines and we hoped we would see them again further on or maybe on our way back down. 

Along the way, Grey commented on every biker we passed, especially little kids on their bikes. He always wanted to ring our little Bike Bell when we passed them. He also liked pointing out the “wa-wa” and the “ice” in the river. I told him that the people standing on the bank were fishing, so then when he later saw ducks diving in the water, he informed me that they were looking for “fish” too. 

As we reached our turn around spot, we saw another group of bighorns laying in the sun right on the edge of the road. They didn’t seem bothered by the other bikers and joggers going past, so we pulled over and dropped our bikes to sit and watch them for a minute. 

Grey sadly seemed more interested in the rocks than the bighorns until he turned around and, with hand outstretched, starting walking slowly towards the herd. He was trying to offer them a pebble. 

While adorable, I didn’t want him disturbing the sheep or (worse) getting trampled by them. Thankfully, he let it go. As the sun dropped and the sheep found themselves suddenly in the shade, they got up and moved down the road. 

We were getting chilly too as the sun dipped, so we did a quick diaper change and layering up in the dirt. I added my Marmot Rain Jacket as a wind break and switched out my fingerless biking gloves for my Seirus Gloves for the ride down. I was glad I had been wearing my Fleece Lined Yoga Pants already. 

We saw the bighorns again, grazing on the hillside on our way out. A kind jogger offered to take our picture with them in the background.

It was a great day with Grandma!

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