I Confess... I Don't Jog with My Jogging Stroller Much
I ambitiously added the Graco Jogging Stroller to my baby registry all those months ago, picturing myself circling the nearby park getting my sweat on while Grey slept or gazed contentedly around.
And I used it A TON when Grey was really young and would only nap while in motion and I was trying to lose the baby weight. It still gets dusted off every once in a while these days, but since Grey could ride in the backpack, I’ve been doing that more often to train for carrying weighted packs. And now that he’s fully mobile himself, the stroller has been parked more than it’s been out.
I don’t blame Graco. It’s a great product that I would highly recommend. I blame myself. I just HATE jogging without being able to swing my arms the way I want. And when I go for a run, it’s meditative for me. So stopping to tuck in baby blankets or pick up dropped snack cups is a real buzz killer.
But on this day, a friend invited me to do a stroller lap and I happily agreed. At the end, we let the boys out to stretch their legs and Grey took over. At this point, he might have jogged more with the stroller than I have…