Ramblings from a rambler.

Cross Country Skiing the Maroon Bells Road

After the muddy beginning of our baby free “ski” weekend, we planned to redeem ourselves at the Maroon Bells Road. It would be an epic day of cross country skiing if we went the whole way up and back, a distance of 12.5 miles. I was not naive enough to think we were going to make it with zero training day and it actually being Amy’s second time EVER on cross country skis. But, hey, we were THERE and there WAS some snow! So let’s see how far we make it. 

The snow was old, but it was actually kinda nice cause it had melted into a soft slush rather than a hard packed ice. Plus, there were tour groups of snow mobiles that passed every once in a while to continue to churn up any hard spots. 

We found a couple of “snow rollers” along the side of the road that are pretty rare to stumble upon. It always brings me joy when I see one. 

We finally turned a corner and got a little glimpse of the Bells through the clouds and decided we better call it there. By the end of the downhill, everyone’s legs were killing them. We went about 6 miles roundtrip. 

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