Ramblings from a rambler.

One More Bike Ride

Sometimes, when I explain where I live to someone from outside of the state, I get a response like, “Oh! Colorado! Cold!” And ya, it can be cold throughout the winter and it regularly blizzards in May. But! Winter only holds the state in its grip in the mountains. Down on the plains of the Front Range, winter’s grasp is a lot looser. It is common to have multiple days throughout the season when everyone is out on their motorcycle. Until the day that Grey is old enough to ride on the back of his Dada’s hog, we’ll take those days on our pedal powered bike and hit the trails. We have gotten in enough riding throughout the month, that Grey has become obsessed with using the Bike Pump. He seems to think we need to use it before we leave the house, whether we are taking the bike or not.

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