Ramblings from a rambler.


Every year, my husband’s waterfowl hunting group gets together and invades my friend BJ’s house for a long weekend. Since having Grey, we have taken to also invading their bro time for a night so Grey can see the ducks and play with his friend Ava and I can hang out with BJ. The guys are always super welcoming and love showing the kids the different species of birds they bagged. Someday Ava and Grey will outshoot their fathers, I’m sure. They are already both pretty good on a duck call. 

I always make sure I come on the night that BJ is going to serve her famous shells for dinner. Either that, or she always schedules to serve them on the day I’m coming. What comes first, the duck or the egg?

This year, the Outpost gathering happened to fall on a weekend with subzero temperatures, so Ava and Grey had to have an indoor play session. Usually, I try to make Micro-Ventures something that is outside, but I’m letting this one slide because at least we were outside of OUR house!

BJ made up a fantastic game of turning a giant piece of cardboard into a slide on the stairs. She is a super mom who (in addition to baking amazing shells), works full time, does Cross Fit, and sent me home with homemade ketchup and beeswax paper. How does she have time for all of that?!?!

Grey wasn’t thrilled about taking his turn on the slide, but Mommy made him. Evil laugh.

Once the kids were asleep, BJ and I slow cooked our bodies in her hot tub while our heads got frosted from the steam colliding with negative temperatures. When I got out, my borrowed robe had a corner that must have gotten wet and was now solid ice. She made the dash from the hot tub into the house in her Crocs. No way was I exposing my wet feet to those temperatures. I kept my North Face Camp Booties dry under a towel and had warm feet and good traction through the snow on the way in. It must be the secret recipe for a good night’s sleep because I didn’t even understand what was happening when Grey woke up fussing in the middle of the night and needed to join us in bed. Nor did I notice John get up and leave before the sun for the day’s hunt. John thought maybe BJ and I had broken into the guys’ liquor stash, but how could we when they had drank it all already!?

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