Micro-Venture Posts
Not every day can be an extravagant 2 week trip to a foreign land. But every day can still be an adventure! Find those opportunities to get out there and explore close to home.
Click on a card below to view the whole post.

The Seagulls Have Landed
The Seagulls Have Landed We walk Crown Hill park multiple times a week. This year we’ve noticed some different wildlife from previous years. For example,

Grey’s First Time Sledding!
Grey’s First Time Sledding! He is the CUTEST thing in his little snow pants, which I’m pretty sure were a hand-me-down from our neighbor. So

“Helping” Mama Shovel
“Helping” Mama Shovel I got Grey a set of Toddler Shovels, hoping that he might actually put his back into it and move some snow.

Running Lair O’ The Bear Park
Running Lair O’ The Bear Park With our Yak Traks for extra traction, my friend Sarah and I met for our weekly Wednesday lunch break

The Reason I Have a Double Stroller
The Reason I Have a Double Stroller… It seemed excessive during my first pregnancy to get the double Thule Chariot, but it has been sooo

Spring is Here!
Spring is Here! We started our day picking up some books from the library for our upcoming day studying construction machines! (See one of the

Construction Machine Day!
Construction Machines Day! If you read our Micro-Ventures from last month, you saw that I have started doing little mini lesson plans with Grey about

Thank Heaven for Neighborhood Kids
Thank Heaven for Neighborhood Kids I have the great fortune to live on the same street as some very responsible young ladies who LOVE taking

Cross Country Skiing with a Mountain Lion
Cross Country Skiing with a Mountain Lion After shoveling a thick snow off our driveway and deck the day before, I was hoping to actually

Zoo Day!
Zoo Day! Grey and I got in for free with our friend Sami’s guest pass. Grey enjoyed petting the lion cub statue and getting an

Out on the Town
Out on the Town Usually my Micro-Ventures are outside and involve my little adventure buddy Grey coming along for the ride. But this evening, Mama

Alderfer/Three Sisters Hike
Alderfer/Three Sisters Hike Boy did I feel fast without Grey’s Osprey Poco Plus backpack on! He was having fun tending the farm animals at his

North Table Hike
North Table Hike John and I enjoyed our last chance to adventure baby free while Grey was at Superpa’s for the week. I wanted to

Crown Hill Walk with Grandma
Crown Hill Walk with Grandma! Grey’s grandma arrived from Pennsylvania to spend some time with her kids and grandkids. We took it slow on her

Delivering Muffins
Delivering Muffins The point of a Micro-Venture is that it is easy to do. While I am fortunate enough to have a lot of specialized

Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?
Do You Wanna Build a Snowman? My mom came to visit from PA for 9 days to see all her grandchildren. She has 4 now

February Night Hike
February Night Hike Our group of 7 from January dwindled to just 3 in February. Hopefully I didn’t permanently scare them away. But BJ and

Trying to Feed a Pebble to the Bighorn Sheep
Trying to Feed a Pebble to the Bighorn Sheep My mom and I biked up Waterton Canyon around this same time last year. It was

Cross Country Skiing- Not Enough Snow
Cross Country Skiing- Not Enough Snow Finally, mom had acclimatized well enough to head up to the mountains to visit with my brother’s family and

Cross Country Skiing- Too Much Snow
Cross Country Skiing- Too Much Snow Well, our wish was granted. It dumped 6-8 inches overnight while we were still up in Granby. We eagerly

Playing with Cousins!
Playing with Cousins! Normally our Micro-Ventures are events that occur outside. But we sort of needed the indoors to contain the FOUR BABIES we had
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