Ramblings from a rambler.


A frequent failing (in my opinion) of social media, is that it makes you think that everyone else is having such a perfect life, so surely there must be something wrong with you/your family. Well, let me be the first to say it’s not always rainbows and unicorns in the Around the World household, and today was a perfect example. Grey spent his day acting like (in the words I used in a ranting text message to my mom to describe him) a B****y Barnacle. I so desperately needed a break, I took him to the local Rec Center to drop him off at the child care so I could take a workout class. He put up such a fuss in there that he made himself throw up and they had to page me over the intercom to come retrieve him. (No, he was not actually sick to excuse his behavior for the day.) ANYWHO! We got home from that fiasco with our take out pizza (because no way could I make a better dinner that night) and got an invite from our neighbors to go caroling. I threw on some layers and put Grey in his backpack to join. They had candles and lyrics and even a jingle bell for Grey. I loved it! I hadn’t been caroling since I was about the age of the neighbor girls who invited us. It was by far the best part of our day and helped me and Grey reset to enjoy the rest of the evening together.

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2 Responses

    1. Yes, it felt very wholesome. It nicely combined 3 of Grey’s favorite things to snap him out of his funk: the neighbor kids, a ride in his backpack, and singing. Next year, though, I am bringing gloves for us both. And recommending that we don’t sing the ENTIRETY of the 12 Days of Christmas, maybe just the last verse.

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