Ramblings from a rambler.

Delivering Muffins

The point of a Micro-Venture is that it is easy to do. While I am fortunate enough to have a lot of specialized gear and live in an area where regular cross country skiing is accessible, that’s not an “easy” outing for a lot of people. Especially with a toddler in tow. 

But today was a perfect example of how simple it can be! I have been trying to get Grey to walk further on his own in our regular neighborhood walks. And I recently discovered that lots of the neighborhood toddlers like the hidden veggie muffins I distributed at our last get-together. So I made a quadruple batch of some broccoli and cheddar corn muffins and set aside several baggies to deliver to the mail boxes around the block. 

My mom was in town so she helped to keep Grey safely on the edge of the road when traffic came by. I was wearing his Osprey Poco Plus Backpack for the moment when he decided he had walked far enough, but he actually did almost the whole circuit by himself! He probably would have been fine the whole time, but, while he was in his warm Carhartt Toddler Coat, I didn’t bring any mittens for his hands. I think they were getting chilly out in the wind and he was ready just to get home faster in the backpack. 

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